My Thoughts: FROM A FRIEND

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


“The coming of the lawless one is according to the workings of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth,
that they might be saved.

For any antagonist who is reading this, whether you are a politician or a general or a police officer or a judge or a stockbroker or a lawyer or anyone, understand that there is an underground movement of people in action. You may not be able to see it, but there is a grassroots organization of the independent that will not roll over and die. We want only what everyone wants, and that is the essence of liberty on which this country was founded. Every year we play by your rules, and every year the forces of evil overcome. But we shall never give up as long as there is a will to live, and life is the most precious thing we have. You label us a threat, and you condemn us to a stereotyped life of heresy, but one day “subverts will become politicians, and finally get the upper hand.” We will not prevail through violence or military aggression, but rather through a common understanding of peace, love and understanding. We will hound you with the truth about the corruption and violence that you practice. We are all and none of your common labels for us: peace freaks, beatniks, hippies or punks, leftists, liberals or whatever you have chosen for the day… rather a collection of sensible people who understand that your ways of suppression through an installation of fear and lies are no longer logical or effective. As the truth of your ways becomes more apparent everyday, we become stronger through solidarity. One day a revolution will come. A revolution of the mind. A new renaissance will triumph. It may not come in our lifetime, but eventually a reformed way of life will be necessary, as the pillaging of human spirit and the earth on which we live on becomes intolerable. As lightning spreads from the East to the West, so will this revolution of the mind. The stock markets and greed machines and mindless consumerism will come crashing down by the decadent hand of your own megaton corporate bombs. The only option after your demise will be ours, that being freedom. And in case you don’t know what that is. Freedom and liberty are what you have used as a cloak for covetousness in order to worship your images and idles of power, what you deceived us into fearing we might loose, but all the while you have done this, we have grown stronger, growing immune to that fear. We have learned from your mistakes. We have listened from the bottom up, rather than from the top down. And when you who have finally floated to the top as the impurity and imperfection of our race, and are finally skimmed off and discarded into the abyss, we are here, waiting to fulfill what has been predestined from before the foundation of the earth. We will be waiting to give vision for vision, teaching for teaching, loyalty for loyalty, love for love, and life for life. So take for yourself all you are able to hold. Fill yourself up now to fatness and overflowing abundance till your arms are so full you cannot hold another thing. And when you have done this, we will kick you in the knees until you stumble and are crushed by the weight of what you hold, and then return it to the ones you stole it from.


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