
Friday, June 16, 2006


Dear World Can't Wait Supporter,
The World Can't Wait put out a Call almost a year ago that this regime must be driven out.
It rings more true than ever. If you've signed it, send it to your friends to sign. If you haven't, sign it now.
Haditha…Guantanamo…Unapologetic, illegal spying on a grand scale…“Shoot to kill” orders issued at black people on rooftops in New Orleans …The most basic rights of women and gay people – as well as established scientific fact on a range of questions – sacrificed to the passions and prejudices of religious fanaticism…The devaluing and scape-goating of first this section, then that section, of the people…And on it goes, relentlessly, with no end in sight.
At what point is it too much for you?
The Bush regime is setting out to remake society, very quickly, in a fascist way, and for generations to come.*
It’s not going to just go away. And this fall’s election is offering no reprieve.
In official politics a pattern has been established: “shock” at each new outrage quickly turns to conciliation and then to draconian new norms – often with the architects of torture, spying, or theocracy being given greater institutional power. Hopes placed in official “opposition” and the Democrats lead to betrayal, then demoralization, and finally – all too often – cynicism and acceptance.
ALL THIS MUST HALT! We must, and can, aim to create a political situation where the Bush regime’s program is repudiated, where Bush and his administration is driven from office, and where the whole direction he has been taking society is reversed. We, in our millions, must and can take responsibility to change the course of history.*
This summer the word must spread. Scripts must be departed from. Principle must be asserted and fought for. Resistance must grow. And on October 5 this must all come together in massive demonstrations, of an unprecedented scope and scale, and these demonstrations must serve to BRING THIS TO A HALT.
*quotes taken from the Call for The World Can’t Wait – Drive Out the Bush Regime.
Donate Now to Make this a Drive Out the Bush Regime Summer! 2 major projects:
World Can't Wait is making an "intervention" into the political life of the country, by doing another full page ad in The New York Times. The working theme of the ad: "Bring this to a halt!" Each time we've placed an ad in the Times, we've how millions look at the actions of the Bush regime, and the possibility of stopping them. Join in this opening salvo – contribute now towards running the ad in the next few weeks.
Drive out the Bush Regime Bus Tour: Gathering July 4 weekend in New Orleans, the bus tour is invited to join public housing residents and supporters who intend to launch an all out offensive to reoccupy local public housing on that date. From an organizer: " The participants in the July 4 action have a damn good reason to want Bush out now! Perhaps we could hold a World Can't Wait Meeting at the Survivors Village encampment just outside the St. Bernard Housing Development in New Orleans. The Survivors Village, opened two weeks ago, is the command center for the struggle to reopen local public housing. It is a tent city that I'm certain could accommodate WCW members should they need a place to stay while visiting New Orleans." Then on to Mississippi, Colorado, Missouri and South Dakota, and other contested areas, sharp battlegrounds over what society will be like in the future if the agenda of the Bush Regime goes unchallenged. Follow developing plans.

World Can't Wait
866-973-4463305 W. Broadway #185New York, NY 10013
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Donate now


Blogger catsagainstbush said...

Thanks for the important link! It's patriots like you that give us hope that someday a light powerful enough will dispel the darkness that has shrouded our nation.

12:30 PM  
Blogger Jewels1 said...

Thanks CAB!! I just posted Bush's "Resume" that I received from a friend. It is disgusting, to say the least. How did we ever let it get this bad? I recently returned from a vacation to a very unpopulated area. It was almost possible, for a time, to believe that I still lived in the America that I once thought I lived in. And then I came home...

9:11 AM  

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