From the Message Boards...thank you Jcongalady!!
Yes it's true!
For those of you who have spent countless hours researching and studying what is really going on behind the scenes in our nation and world, and have dared to report the truths, that the mainstream media did not, to the enlighten this nation, and the world to the facts, and expose the truth, you have indeed made a huge impact in this pivital election, and thus, taken your place in American history as true American patriots!
Though you have been at times sorely insulted, in your intellect and integrity, and though our names may never appear in our history books, you have indeed risked all, and your own personal freedoms, to stand up for this nation, and for what is right. And in fact, fought hard and fought well, in the service to our nation.
You have stood up to the corruption of the most powerful people in the world, you have defended those that defend our nation, and today you have won!
So please realize, the impact you have made, as this election could not have been won without you, and this election has indeed changed the future course of both America's and the world's history!
Please take the time today to celebrate this victory, YOUR VICTORY, the victory of those who have fought in the e-trenches beside you, in America's victory, and recognize YOUR PART in American history!
A big high five, kudo's and blessings to you! You know who you are!
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