My Thoughts: NOW I KNOW...

Saturday, July 08, 2006



"The Greatest Source of Disease and Death in the World"

In the previous Digest, I gave information about where to find and purchase L-tryptophan. I gave info about a company called BIOS. I was swiftly flooded with emails questioning the quotes on the BIOS pages promoting B6 as a useful enzyme to allow L-tryptophan metabolism. I should have warned the readers that BIOS was source of L-tryptophan, but BIOS is NOT a source of information about L-tryptophan.

Just ignore anything you read on the BIOS pages, or any pages, about how L-tryptophan works and why you need B6. BIOS, just like all other food supplement sellers uses all the false information floating in cyberspace about how B6 “helps” with this and “helps” with that. I already explained what the legal meaning of the word “helps” means in drug advertising. Just ignore the BIOS promotional copy which is on their webpages. I have been reading and ignoring it for 16 years. Just go right to the ordering page and buy the L-tryptophan and bypass all the hyped-up advertising. Some other companies on their L-tryptophan page, actually also sell B6, along with generic Prozac and even Welbutrin for Winter Depression. Those companies have gotten it completely all wrong. Avoid those companies like the plague, they have no clue, and only want your money.

Which gets us to the point many people asked, which is why do I decry the USDA for having produced all the many false stories dangerously promoting Vitamin B6. Is the USDA a criminal organization which promotes food additives which kills and maims people? The answer is absolutely and provably, YES. And I do not make such a claim lightly and without complete scientific proof.

It started during my research experiments with L-tryptophan and B6 which began in 1987. In 1989 I began a year-long test of circadian rhythm shifting, in conjunction with a medical doctor who supplied the thyroid drug, Synthroid, which I used as a control chemical. In November of 1987 I had almost completed my year-long temperature charts, when I read a headline in my morning paper, “Amino Acid Supplement Is Recalled.” Even before reading the full text of the article, I knew almost immediately that the amino acid being recalled was L-tryptophan. It was the very same food-component chemical which I had been using in my experiments for several years. Instantly, I began a new research project to find out about what was behind the reason for the recall. What I quickly found was a series of bungling, ineptness and criminal activity in several of the US government health agencies. Yes, criminal activity.

In 1989, I used the Compuserve network as a research tool. This was before what we now call the Internet or the WWW. I had purchased the expensive Compuserve Executive News Service, which allowed for multiple keyword searches of the news wires. Today, this is easily done on Google and Yahoo, but was completely impossible in 1989 except on the Executive News Service. In 1989, I daily scanned the world's news wires for about 40 keywords. That list of words is carefully kept secret. If made public, it would tell the individuals and organization on the list that they are the targets of my investigation. Anybody who reads the BroJon Gazette front page, can probably tell who is being targeted, but I won't tell you the keywords I use to find those unique news stories which are not found elsewhere in the mainstream news media. Nor will I tell you where I do my searches. That would be putting my own “health” at undue risk.

In 1993 I began to publish my unique news findings in a monthly magazine called “Teddy Speaks” a monthly magazine of science. I published this magazine with my children as a family project. In 1995 I began a more in-depth news magazine called “Teddy Speaks Weekly Report” with hundreds of my uniquely found news stories each week In 1999, I began a daily newspaper which you know today as “The Brother Jonathan Gazette.” This web newspaper has run continuously for the last seven years. All these news research projects were produced using the same original and unique keyword search program and methods I began in 1989.

In the first week of the Centers for Disease Control's L-tryptophan recall report in November 1989, it was told to doctors that they needed to conduct a test for trichinosis to rule that out as a cause for the mysterious Eosinophilia Myalgia Syndrome. Just as mysteriously, the very next week, the CDC announcement of the recall simply dropped any mention of trichinosis. No explanation for the omission of the trichinosis test requirement was given by the CDC. What had just happened and WHY?

For that reason, the next day the word “trichinosis” was added to my news service keyword search. The result I quickly got back was astounding. I was flabbergasted. Somebody had purposefully infected about half of all Americans with the parasitic disease, trichinosis, and nobody was ever told about it. It was a government criminal act which was completely being covered up.

As part of my research I frequently scanned through MEDLINE and the CDC archives of its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), and even university research papers. I still have a huge 3-ring binder of all those scans. Those were the days before big hard-drives, and burning your own CDs. My scans would have filled nearly a hundred floppy discs. So a print out to paper was my only feasible archive. This proved to be important, since later research shows that most of the text articles I printed were never transferred by the government into Internet web pages in “http format” or the articles were simply erased from the government archives. The government cover-up of the massive 1980's health disaster was complete.

To find out about the huge health disaster of the 1980's, we need to know some basic information. What is trichinosis? It is a very rare parasitic worm which mostly infects pigs and hogs. It has an odd reproductive cycle. The worms go from the pigs intestines into the blood stream and embed themselves in the pigs muscles. To protect themselves from the pigs immune system, the worms form a hard impenetrable shell or cyst around themselves. And then the worms become dormant. To repeat their reproductive cycle, the microscopic worms must be eaten by another pig. In the second pig's intestines, the strong stomach acid dissolves the hard shell-like cyst. This releases the dormant worms, which mate with other worms and millions of progeny worms then go from the pig's intestines and embed themselves in the muscles of pig number two. The process is then repeated by being eaten by a third pig, etc, etc.

Thus for the trichinosis worm to reproduce and spread, a pig needs to eat the infected muscles and tissues of another pig. Since most animals don't eat their own species, this type of reproductive cycle and parasitic disease is very rare. Most medical doctors hardly learn anything about trichinosis infections since they is so rare. To spread trichinosis, the animal needs to be an omnivore, meaning it eats meats and vegetables. Most animals are either carnivores or herbivores, so trichinosis doesn't easily spread in those groups. But, like pigs, humans are omnivores. When push come to shove, humans will eat just about anything from grubs and grass, to bugs, bark and beef. I once saw a guy eat a complete Chevy V-8 engine. Yeah, humans will eat just about anything. See any modern “reality program” on TV for more proof. Thus, humans can very easily get trichinosis from eating infected pork. And this has already happened to over half of all the American population.

Secondly, what you need to know is what are Eosinophils? As long as you have no idea what Eosinophils really are, you will never understand the L-tryptophan story and government cover-up. Eosinophils are part of your immune system. They are a certain type of white blood cell which attacks incoming invaders into your body.

When doctors try to diagnose an unknown disease, they ask the patient about their current complaints or symptoms and their past history. Then the doctor may order a blood panel or a blood titer. This may or many not be helpful, but sometimes the blood titer will pinpoint a certain disease. The blood sample is put through a centrifuge which separates the blood into red blood cells, white blood cells and the clear liquid blood serum. Most infections can be found by investigating the type and number of immune system white blood cells which your body produced to fight whatever strange invading infection you might have. The main difficulty is that under a microscope most white blood cells all look alike. They are just colorless or white blobs of cytoplasm, which don't wear name tags so you can't tell one white blood immune system cell from another. So doctors, being smart guys, figured out several ways to put name tags on some of those cells, so they could be more easily identified.

One method of putting a name tag on some of the white cells is to put red dye in the petri dish and notice that only some of the white cells absorb the red dye and others don't. The most common red dye for this purpose is called Eosin. This red dye is safely added to meat products like hot dogs to make them look more pink, meaty or fresh. Eosin is also used by dentists. If you rub your teeth with red Eosin dye, then the plaque around your teeth is turned red, while your teeth remain white. The plaque absorbs Eosin, but you teeth don't. Then simply brush and floss until all the red color disappears and you have safely and completely removed all the plaque.

Most of the time during a blood titer test, other chemicals are used to put name tags on other immune system white cells. Most of your white cells are simply gardeners who run around picking out daisy and dandelion weeds from your bloodstream's garden. These weeds are most commonly cold and flu viruses which simply don't belong there, and they are quickly eaten up by your immune system gardener cells. These white cells mostly show up when you get a cold, and then they disappear a week or so later. So simply counting the number of white cells will tell the doctor how strong and how many cold virus weeds you have. This is not really useful information since the white blood count doesn't really tell the doc if your invader weeds are geraniums or delphiniums, but it does tell the doctor when you have defeated the cold and flu infection because your white cell count is then reduced back to normal.

But what about those other immune system white cells called Eosinophils? Most doctors, were born speaking and writing Latin which is why they became doctors. Some Latin speaking doctors noticed that some white cells like to eat the Eosin red dye, and others don't like Eosin. In Latin, “liking Eosin” is called Eosinophila, and hating Eosin is called Eosinophobia. Since almost all white cells don't readily absorb the red Eosin dye, the name Eosinophobe is not really used since it merely means all those other white cells which don't become red colored. So doctors only use the term “Eosinophil” meaning just those rare immune system cells which absorb the red Eosin dye. The name doesn't really mean anything about what the Eosinophils do or how they are made, it simply means they turn red when dyed with Eosin.

And who are the Eosinophils? Unlike the common garden-variety white cells who weed your blood stream's garden, the Eosinophils are your Delta Force, who are trained in Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT team). This is your immune system weapon of last resort. These bad-boy thugs will kill just about anything in your body, when they are called upon to do so. They use flame throwers, hand grenades and chemical/biological weapons of mass destruction. To an Eosinophil, a trichinosis worm is a monster invader, a huge multi-celled animal. But an Eosinophil can and does kill trichinosis worms, as the worms escape through your intestines, and travel the blood stream to embed into your muscles. But some of the trichinella worms survive and begin to encase themselves in a thick and hard covering or cyst. Then the Eosinophils cannot break through the hard cyst casing. It's now too late. But your body keeps trying, and Eosinophils will keep trying to kill the trichinella worms for many years. This is shown to the doctor by the high Eosinophil count in your blood titer, which may remain high for decades.

The problem with having a high Eosinophil blood count is that having millions of those SWAT team bad-boys floating around in your blood stream is dangerous. Those Eosinophils use weapons of mass destruction. They will not only try to kill those trichinosis worms in your muscles, but they also, as a side-effect, will attack your skin, eyes, muscles and organs, and just about anything else they find. This is a weapon of last resort, and like the tactic of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD), the defensive weapon may actually end up killing both sides in the engagement. This is by definition, an “auto-immune disease.” Your own immune system white cells seem to have turned on you, and are attacking you. It was in the 1980's that the explosion of auto-immune diseases arose. You are beginning to find out where all those cases of fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue came from. The question is what triggered your killer Eosinophils to cause those auto-immune disorders? You are beginning to find out.

The strange story linking L-tryptophan to EMS actually began in the mid-1980's when an enterprising woman journalist in New Mexico was studying why so many women were getting these strange and painful auto-immune disorders such as fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue and Lupus and a whole long list of similar but unknown-cause disorders. The woman journalist was not a doctor, and had no medical training. She probably learned her version of epidemiology by watching the movie “Andromeda Strain.” Simply interview the patients, collect all the factors such as diet, activity and personal history and then put all the factors into a computer and look for that one factor which is most common among all the patients. You have discovered a "link" between the most common "cause" and the "effect." What the journalist found was that most of the people in her investigative story were using L-tryptophan. Did that really have any meaning or was it simply a mistake? Michael Chrichton, who wrote the Andromeda Strain, was a medical student at the time. He theorised in a sci-fi novel about applying computers to medical diagnosis. I have stated for over 20 years, it was Chrichton who created the worst medical disaster of modern western medicine. The ideal of "linking" cause and effect by computer analysis is not proper a medical method.

And thus began in 1988, a non-medical link between L-tryptophan and the new and dangerous auto-immune disease later called EMS. It was a false link, but it was a link. Because of the explosion in auto-immune disorders in the 1980's, a common home-treatment was to use L-tryptophan to reset the circadian rhythm disorders such as menstrual problems and sleep/wake problems such as insomnia. Since the auto-immune disorders usually created a feeling of weakness and fatigue it was assumed by most people that it was some kind of circadian rhythm problem and so most sufferers began using L-tryptophan, if they didn't already use it. In the 1980's over 30 million Americans used L-tryptophan, that was almost 15 percent of the population. The question here is which came first, the chicken or the egg. Did EMS cause people to use L-tryptophan or did using L-tryptophan cause EMS. Based on the incorrect and amateurish New Mexico journalist's news story, based on “Andromeda Strain” methods, it was falsely assumed in 1989, that EMS was caused by using L-tryptophan. Actually, it was provably, the other way around.

But hold on there. How do actual and real medical doctors diagnose diseases? During the long years of medical school training doctors learn about diseases and the symptoms they cause. It would be nice if all the world's medical symptoms were put into a big computer list and then the computer spits out the cause or the name of the disease, if you enter in all the patient's symptoms. Actually in the last 10 years, such lists have been made and can be found on the Internet. But beware, there's great danger, most of the lists are wrong and thus are very dangerous, so don't use them. Those lists only exist to sell you prescription drugs and not to maintain your health. Proof: most doctors don't use them.

OK, so how do most doctors diagnose diseases? Well, they start with their medical school training in all known diseases, then learn all the symptoms of all the diseases. To diagnose a disease, in your mind, you work backwards from a list of symptoms to arrive at the original disease which creates those symptoms, as shown by the medical textbooks. But the textbooks list the data by the disease, and not by the symptoms. In residential training the head doctor will ask his medical students, “Patient presents with inflamed ear lobes and tickling sensations behind the kneecaps. Diagnosis?” The brightest of the med students will quickly snap his fingers and say, “Framblewitz Disease.” That student gets and A plus for the day. That student has quickly gone backwards through his textbook training and knows that Framblewitz is related to the sensation behind the knees, while Grousouki's Disorder is similar but only in the elbows. The student learned this under the category of inflamed ear lobe diseases. Many people can't work backwards or speak Latin. They don't become doctors.

Alright, so you are a trained medical doctor, and while at a friendly cocktail party, a tipsy lady asks you, “Doctor, I have a problem with painful muscles, I feel weak, I have trouble sleeping, and my blood tests show I have elevated Eosinophils, so what could be the problem?” If you were a well trained doctor, prior to 1989, you would snap your fingers and say, “Trichinosis. That's the usual cause of elevated Eosinophils. It's rare but it happens,” But after November 1989, a trained professional doctor will also ask, “Have you taken any L-tryptophan?” If you say “Yes” then the doctor snaps his fingers and says, “EMS.” How did the diagnosis suddenly get changed within a single week in late November 1989?

Clearly in November of 1989, somebody at the CDC was a trained medical doctor and was actually awake. When the first warning for EMS was issued in the MMWR it contained a listing of the symptoms and the reporting requirement that the attending physician should also report the results of a trichinosis test. In other words somebody at the CDC looked at the list of symptoms: painful muscles or myalgia and a high blood titer for Eosinophils, and he snapped his fingers and said, “trichinosis.” That made sense. But in the second week of the recall alert, all mention of trichinosis and the requirement for the test was dropped. Why? That made no sense. Was this some kind of cover-up or what? That was where my detailed research project took off and hit paydirt.

In the mid-1970's the wonderful computerized control systems of the NASA Space Age were beginning to be applied to Agriculture, especially the raising of farm animals. Huge computerized arrays of cages held individual chickens and pigs. The cages were in big arrays and stacked on rows upon rows to the ceiling. The cages automatically produced computer controlled feed for the animals, turned the lights on and off and controlled the temperature, and months later the cages with adult animals became conveyor belts which, within 30 seconds turned living animals into cut apart meat, neatly saran wrapped in Styrofoam trays ready for display at your local butcher counter. It was efficient, fast and cheap. Of course all of this new computerized food production was under the strict control and inspection of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). They are the ones who stamp the meat “USDA Inspected.” You are supposed to believe that because the stamp is there, that the meat is good quality and safe. Really?

This new agribusiness mostly worked properly and the food industry made a fortune using computerized agriculture. But there were some problems. To remove chicken feathers, Tyson Foods dipped the chickens in a vat of boiling water. If one of the birds was tainted with botulism or salmonella then all the other bird carcasses dipped in the same vat would also be tainted with the disease. This was known since the early 1970's. This did not change until the new USDA inspection requirements were changed in 1998. Besides just a visual inspection, the new 1998 requirements meant inspectors actually had to take biological samples and do tests for bacteria.

For over 20 years, under USDA jurisdiction, Americans ate Knowingly contaminated poultry. It was actually the agribusiness growers who used a barrage of lawsuits to prevent the USDA from requiring proper and expensive inspections and changing their production methods. But the USDA was not blameless. The millions of cases per year of eating contaminated chicken were then passed off as simple “stomach flu.” But there is no such thing as viral flu infection of the stomach or intestines. The strong hydrochloric acid in the stomach will dissolve all viruses entering the stomach. Instead, those were all cases of salmonella and botulism bacteria which can tolerate stomach acid. Those infections resulted in millions of serious cases, and sometimes deadly cases, of “food poisoning,” all thanks to the USDA, and groups like Tyson Foods and KFC. They all knew what was going on.

The computerized raising of hogs and pigs, is a story which has been completely covered-up and hidden from public view. And most people really don't want to know. Since the 1970's the USDA has researched the computerized agribusiness of raising pigs. Mechanically it worked about as well as the chicken and poultry business, but there was a problem. The problem was, what do you feed the pigs? In the poultry business, the food supply was dry bird seed, which computers could easily control and drop a specified amount of bird feed at a specified time each day. But pigs eat something which farmers call “slop.” It's mostly garbage and leftover food from the farmer's dinner table which is daily fed to his pigs in the farmyard. But in agribusiness, the computers don't like slop. It's gooey, and messy and it clogs up the computerized feed meters. Computers don't like slop.

The USDA had a problem in developing computerized hog farms. Most of the herds in computerized farms had big buildings full of pig herds of thousands. Where do you call to order up hundreds of thousands of tons of garbage “slop?” You can't and you don't. They don't make it. The Postal Service won't let you mail it, and the old ICC won't let you ship it by truck or rail. What if there was an accident? All that slop, could be hazardous to the environment. The USDA needed to develop some kind of synthetic slop, hopefully as some kind of dry powder, which the computers could easily drop into the pig's food trays with some added water.

The search was on for some kind of synthetic pig slop for the new USDA-approved computerized agribusiness. Some bright boy suggested, “why don't we take all the leftover bones and scraps from slaughter houses and grind it up into a powder and then feed that to the pigs?” This was a high-protein source of feed which was mostly discarded by slaughter houses, so in fact, it was almost as cheap as free. But the “offal” of slaughter house leftovers were still gooey and messy, and the computerized automatic feeders didn't like gooey messy stuff. Another bright boy suggested, “why don't we take the ground up slaughter house leftovers and freeze dry them, then they become a dry powder, just like freeze dried coffee?”

And “bing bing” this was the needed breakthrough idea which launched the massive computerized agri-farming of pigs in the 1970's. The price of pork bellies on the Chicago commodities board went through the roof. Computerized raising of pigs became a maxi-profit business. But they forgot to check one thing. Was the new freeze dried pig food powder contaminated with trichinosis worms? Nobody checked. If you boil the slop to over 200 degrees F then the worms are killed. Even cooking pork to 155 degrees will kill the worms. But it turns out, freeze drying had no effect on the trichinosis worms. They were already in suspended animation within their hard cysts. When the freeze dried powder was fed to the pigs, almost all the thousands of pigs in a whole farm herd suddenly developed trichinosis. But nobody noticed.

You can't tell by visual inspection which pig is sick with trichinosis. So nobody noticed. The symptoms of trichinosis are achy muscles and chronic fatigue. Most obese pigs are rather slow moving anyway, so which pigs have chronic fatigue and trichinosis? None of the pigs ever dance an Irish jig, or work out with Richard Simmons tapes, so who's to know which pigs have chronic fatigue? When those pigs were slaughtered, and their remains were rendered into more slop, the amount of trichinosis in the freeze dried powder feed continued to rise all during the late 1970's and mid-1980's. Soon, all agri-farmed pigs, and almost half of all Americans were sick with trichinosis. But who knew? The USDA knew about this, but did nothing. It would cost the farmers too much to recall decades worth of contaminated meat. This showed up during the 1980's as the explosion of seemingly strange auto-immune disorders with the concurrent elevated levels of Eosinophils in the blood. Any qualified doctor could notice myalgia and high Eosinophils and snap his fingers and say, “trichinosis.” So why didn't that happen in the 1980's?

The USDA is in the business of supporting and promoting the products of local farms and agencies around the country called granges. The USDA is not in the health business, and especially not your health. If a problem is found, the USDA merely inspects the problem and may take tainted meat off the production line. The USDA does not order recalls of decades worth of canned hams, restaurant ham roasts or prepared products such as sausage and Spam. That costly recall would have quickly put the farm business OUT of business. No, that's the job of other agencies like the FDA and the CDC. But nobody at the USDA told anybody else about the trichinosis problem, so no recall was ever done. You may ask, how do I know this? Where's the real proof?

The proof came from a little-known news story I received in 1989 from France. The keyword search was “trichinosis.” France just announced that it was banning all the importation from America of pork products. The French health inspectors had actually sampled the imported products from America and found that all pork products from America were contaminated with trichinosis. How come you never heard that story? How come it was not announced in the American press? How come the USDA never did an inspection for trichinosis the way the French did? It was completely covered-up. But how?

The USDA had used a unique and deceptive ploy, including other agencies such as the US State Department. The day after the French stopped the importation of American pork, the USDA announced it was banning the importation from France of canned horse meat. In France, horse meat was considered a gourmand's delicacy, but in America rarely, if ever, do Americans eat horses. That's like eating cats and dogs. In America, horses are pets, not food. The USDA quickly issued a notice to the public of the dual bans on importation. But the time order of the bans was deftly reversed. It appeared in the American press, that the USDA has banned the importation of French horse meat, and in tit-for-tat retaliation, the French had then banned the importation of American pork. So What? The public didn't want to know about banned horse meat, or banned ham. Who cares? No mention was made that the reason for the French ban was because ALL American pork was tainted with trichinosis. It was the diplomatic means of the State Department which kept that story out of the mainstream press. The story was just to "delicate" to publish, so it was kept out of the daily news and you never heard about it.

The only source for the true story of the food bans was the small article in the French paper LeMonde. No Americans every learned about the real reason for the French ban on American pork. I, too, would have never learned about it either, but my worldwide news scanner does cover the foreign press. It was obvious from this story that the USDA had long known about the trichinosis problem and was in the business of quickly countering and covering-up any evidence from the foreign press. Most government agencies work with the speed of an a glacial iceberg. For the USDA to have made a response to the French ban on American pork, within less than 24 hours, meant that the USDA response was “pre-planned.” You take it from there, what “pre-planned” responses from the USDA means.

In late November 1989 , was the first warning about EMS and the CDC requirement about testing for trichinosis, and then the very next week was the same announcement but without any mention of any trichinosis testing. This seems to be mysterious and inexplicable. Unless you assume, somebody knew that if doctors were told by the CDC to start doing massive trichinosis testing of Americans, the USDA problem would be completely exposed. This was like the French doing trichinosis testing on American hams, but instead it was actual trichinosis testing of Americans who ate American hams. It's clear that the French result and the doctors test of Americans would have the same result. Nearly 100% contamination. So somebody, quietly advised the CDC to completely drop the trichinosis testing and then only ask if the patient had taken L-tryptophan and then blame the disease on tryptophan and call it EMS. But still you want more proof that this is exactly and actually what happened.

In the late 1980's a medical doctor had long suspected that trichinosis was suddenly becoming a serious problem. But it was such a rare disease, so where was it coming from, and why? The doctor was a professional medical examiner and epidemiologist. He was the coroner for a large county. His name and his county shall remain unlisted. I found his documented results on the old Compuserve Network. I am sure you will never find it on the Internet. What he did was clearly in violation of the federal laws at the time, but he just had to find out what was happening. For a whole year, Dr. X, secretly took biopsy samples from all the several hundred cadavers which went through his county morgue. There were actually a number of federal advisories for several years which forbade the taking of trichinosis biopsy samples without federal approval. That was among the several very strange things which made Dr. X suspicious. His method of taking a sample from all the cadavers for a whole year was actually a random sample of Americans. It included all races, sexes and ages. The causes of death ranged from old age, accidents and various diseases. All cadavers for whatever reason were included. And what were Dr. X's findings? He found in 1988, 50% or half of all Americans were sick with trichinosis, and none of them ever knew it. That's right, half of all Americans had trichinosis. In the 1960's the incidence of trichinosis was about one in ten million. But by the late 1980's the trichinosis incidence had risen to one in two. You have a 50-50 chance of being sick with a parasitic worm called trichinella. What had happened? Where did the massive, quickly spreading disease come from? That's simple, go ask the USDA. They know.

When I started explaining to you about “The B6 Bomber,” circadian rhythms, B6, and tryptophan, I had hoped I would not need to also tell you about my research into EMS and trichinosis. It was difficult and complicated to explain. I would need to tell you about the decades-long bumbling, bureaucracy, bribery, profiteering for clients and outright lying and corruption at the USDA, FDA, CDC and even WHO. I have already had decades of run-ins with government agencies like NASA, FCC, NOAA and the USGS, including the Secret Service and the CIA, all based on my published research. I don't need any more hassles. But too many recent Digest readers were asking me why I disagreed with the USDA about calling B6 a vitamin. The readers thought the USDA called B6 a vitamin so it must be useful. Why would the USDA lie to the public? Why would the USDA lie about B6 and its detrimental health effects? Why would the USDA and the CDC lie about Eosinophilia Myagia Syndrome and then blame the problem on you for using L-tryptophan?

The only way to prove my point was to tell the complete story and provide the evidence of the L-tryptophan/trichinosis cover-up. I have had it up to here with lying government health agencies who blame you for your illnesses, which they themselves caused. I am so fed up to here, I am ready to throw down. Any competent doctor with a real MD after his name, when told about a disorder with Eosinophils and Myagia, will quickly snap his fingers and say, “trichinosis.” Any government doctor who wants to stand up and admit their guilt for having infected half the American public with trichinosis, then let them do so. Some government quack may think he can fool the public by saying it wasn't their fault, that EMS, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, Lupus and the whole long list of similar auto-immune disorders, are simply imaginary and in the minds of the sufferers, and that Mr. Smith doesn't know what he is talking about. I will quickly expose those government quacks as liars simply by asking, “How then do you explain that all those people also have elevated levels of Eosinophils in their blood? Did all those people also just make that up in their heads? The proof of your government guilt is absolute. So Mr. Government Medical Quack, don't try to defend yourself – don't even start with me....

Marshall Smith Editor, Brother Jonathan Gazette

A very long article, I know, but I HAVE FIBROMYALGIA ET AL...this information makes me either want to cry...or kill!!! Fibromyalgia and other immune disorders are destroying my life! Sjogrens; Chronic Fatigue; Chronic Myofascial Pain...I could go on and on. Severe Asthma and allergies, that have slowly (or quickly) developed over the last 20 years of my life. I was diagnosed with Trich in 87-88. I was NOT sexually active, and there was no known reason why I developed this, and two subsequent severe Pelvic Infections-one which left me sterile, as it scarred my uterus from a severe ulcer that formed. I damn near DIED!! Ohhhh, I am so angry!!! I hate this Government. So, assholes, does this make ME a terrorist? Hell, I wouldn't have the ENERGY to be a terrorist!! Idiots...
And let me now add Multiple Sclerosis to the list of my diagnoses' Sigh...I have lesions in my brain.



Blogger Jewels1 said...

Sometimes you just have to glean what is pertinenet from an article, and disregard the rest. MY focus in this article is the fact that Trich is being found more and more in cases of auto-immune diseases. I did not even pay attention to the B6 issue, but I, too, disagree with Brother John on this one. ALL the B vitamins are essential. Too often people go off on tangents and want to throw the baby out with the bath-water.

BTW, I wonder where that particular colloqialism ever came from? I get the weirdest picture in my mind of a spray of water being flung out a window of some primitive-looking cabin in the back country somewhere, followed by a naked, yet clean, baby!! Yup, I'm weird, and I'm proud of it!!

4:26 PM  

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