My Thoughts: My Thoughts: December 2005

Thursday, December 22, 2005

My Thoughts: December 2005

I have been banned from all AOL message boards for one reason only: speaking the truth about the Fascist Regime that is controlling our country! I do not curse or in any way abuse others on the boards, I merely mentioned the boxcars with iron shackles that are hidden and waiting for those of us who are Christians and "dissenters" -of which I am both! I have no further interest in wasting my time trying to educate the masses of sheeple who are unaware of the reality any longer, anyway! The realities of HAARP, DARPA, ELF, CHEMTRAILS, Concentration Camps built all over Amerika, and the Evil Cabal which has taken rule of this once free society! The 4th Reich is here, my friends. Make no mistake! And I worry for my children and grandchildren!! As I stated before, I already know I have been flagged as a dissenter, so I have no fear of posting anything on my Blog, while I still have the freedom to do so!! I originally wrote that I would be cautious...caution be damned!!!
If anyone has any interest in Truth, they will read my Blog and ask questions. Most do not, and are in the 95% referred to-even by the evil government-as "Sheeple!!" They are the ones (of which I, myself, used to be one) who are continuing to live blinded to the real truth! They are the ones who plop in front of their TV's and listen to the rhetoric spouted by the media, which is information control and will NEVER tell the truth! Who care more for Brad and Angelina, Tom and Katie and the latest stupid inane "RealityShow" so that they can remain Tranced by the powers that be and are, therefore, maleable and more easily controlled! They are the ones who will not question the war in Iraq, the so-called "Terrorist Attacks" on the WTC, and the slow, but steady, erosions of their freedoms! They will also be the ones who will cry "Why didn't we see this coming?" when the Illuminati, Dominionists, Elitists-call them what you will-come to their door and the Pogroms begin again...only this time, in AMERIKA!!! They will not accept the truth that all of their information is just the push of a button away from the powers that be! The ones who do not accept-and don't even want to know-that DARPA is creating artificial intelligence and that this will become our "Government" according to the plans of the Junta!! Sigh...yes, by all means, remain blind, sheeple. It probably helps you to sleep at night. But you know, on those nights that you CANNOT sleep, when doubt and fear are knawing at your belly like a rat, that there truly IS an evil force taking over the country, and soon, the world!! For that is their ultimate goal!!
Sleep tight...and don't forget to count those Sheeples!!!!!
December 22, 2005


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