
Monday, February 27, 2006


How much easier it will be to enforce Codex upon us all IF, once again the "experts" tell us there is absolutely NO value in alternative medicine!! The link should open to an AOL article I copied and pasted from their welcome screen. The usual propaganda! Yes, let's all take their dangerous and oftentimes, lethal drugs and pay through the nose, before we might choose to try something that has been around since dinosaurs roamed the Earth (that was a joke) and that may be a NATURAL WAY TO TREAT AN ILLNESS! Now, if I had cancer, or severe heart trouble or extremely high blood pressure, I would probably take the pharma drugs, as they do work on these deadly illnesses...but not without a high price!! I take Celebrex for my Fibromyalgia and CMP and arthritis. But it is only because it works-with a serious risk! BECAUSE I also take Omega 3 acids, and also Vit E; C; a super B-Complex and a Calcium and Magnesium supplement, I take only HALF the prescribed dose!! I take other pain meds, but at the lowest dose possible, as I try to maintain my weight, exercise as tolerable and keep BUSY!! May be not running all over town, but I keep my mind occupied as much as possible! These "guru's" don't realize that for most of us who adopt an "Alternative" life-style (more homeopathic than allopathic) that it is an all-encompassing life-style! I limit my caffeine intake, do not smoke, rarely drink and try to eat a balanced diet!! PLUS, continue to work in my field (nursing) as much as I can tolerate.

It is one more way of pushing the Codex laws through whereby we would NOT have access to these alternative drugs! This is simply one more loss of our personal freedoms, AND, a brainwashing and control issue!! I am so tired of them all!!
Might there be a parallel universe we could teleport them to?? One where they could play their stupid politics and control games? I, for one (of millions) am tired of being told what I can/should do or not do!!!!!! I have earned the right; paid my dues, so to speak, to make the right choices for my OWN body! Nope, not in the new world order!!! (I received a correspondance where the writer states she refuses to capitalize this name...I thought it was a great idea!! It does not deserve the distinction.)


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