My Thoughts: "Homicidal" Soldier~An Oxymoron.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

"Homicidal" Soldier~An Oxymoron.

I haven't read this article about the "Homicidal" soldier, but I don't need to, in order to know it's content.

They take the "dregs" of society; put guns/weapons in their hands, and train them and then tell them to go kill. OK? What's the problem then? Isn't killing in battle homicide? I should think so.

They teach them that the enemy is less then human, so why is it so shocking when they treat them worse then animals? MANY of these young men and women are probably sociopathic in the first place. And if they are not, they TRAIN them to be. Then, when they follow their natural or learned impulses, they are to blame?

I realize that we all are accountable for our actions in the long run, but these people are "brainwashed" into being like automatons and then blamed for following their training. And orders. I believe those who command them are often just as sick. Or sicker. But will THEY take the blame for what they have created? Not on your life!...pardon the (bad) pun.
Nope, it is the product which is to be blamed for the final result. That is as stupid and pointless as killing your computer for what you, yourself, programmed it to do! Or punishing the weapons for doing what they were created to do...kill. A soldier IS a weapon. A very lethal one! They are trained NOT to think, but merely to ACT!

Oh, I could go on and on about this. I hate war. I mean hate. I find it barbaric, lethal (Ya think?) and absolutely the lowest point of "human" behavior! Yet, it is glorified in hymn, story and all of History. Maybe if it was HERstory, it wouldn't be so bloody? And yes, I know women are just as capable of barbarism as men. But mostly, when under the influence of men. The Amazons died out, remember? It is not a woman's true nature to want to destroy. That belongs to men. Women pro-create. And usually choose life...unless faced with a choice much less palatable. Such as being a single mother....which I have experienced. And it is Hell.

So, again, what is the real point here? That those in positions of Power, once again, choose to abrogate the responsibility for that power to those they deem "lower" then themselves. They are untouchable. Or so they think...



Blogger Wolfmoonlady said...


I love this post! Well done!

I often wonder what will happen to the soldiers who've survived several tours of active duty, once they return home. The negative societal impact of psychological fallout from battle fatigue alone will be mind-boggling.

I don't have any current stats on Iraq war vets and their recovery efforts - all you see on the news is the usual "they're happy to be home" crap. Propaganda for the masses. Do you have any personal insight, as a health-care provider?

As a pharmacy tech, I've seen returning vets with poor or no prescription drug insurance - or what they do have doesn't amount to much. I am ashamed of this government for their shoddy treatment of vets. My policy is to give them preferential treatment (unless I have sick children or elderly in my waiting area). And, I offer personal thanks for their service and a warm, welcome home! Some tear up; some seem to stand a little taller. Others are in uniform, on their way back to base.

God help them, all.

As for your comment on Herstory -- oh, yes, things would have very different. Don't forget that the history of western civilization was written by men (and women had no say/place in the ancient world except to breed). Look at the Greeks - they considered male/male bonding as the epitome of love's physical expression -- that tells you a lot about what they considered women good for. That's not a gay-bash, it's just a factual statement.

The Greek philosophers thought women had strong emotions and weak minds. Not to mention - women in the ancient world were not educated, and could not write about their daily lives. Therefore, how could they give an alternate view of HIStory? (Witholding eductation is a powerful way of keeping entire segments of a given population quiet. This still holds true today.)

Thanks for the chance to rant about a favorite topic: HERstory.

Keep up the good work,

1:42 PM  
Blogger Carla Cannon said...

War doesn't make sense to me either and I agree that when these soldiers get home finally they are going to face the same challenges as Vietnam Vets. They suffered not because we spat on them or rejected them when they got home, they suffered because war is a living hell and it has to destroy the soul and spirit. We talk a good game now (support the troops), but a lot of these soldiers will not be able to fit into society after all they have witnessed.

One question though, do you think WWII was a justified war?. Hitler was determined to control all of Europe and killing of all the Jews.

I am against war in almost all instances but fighting Hitler seemed right to me.

4:49 AM  

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