
Wednesday, May 03, 2006


The above link will redirect you to a site that tracks companies who hire illegals.
Now, I am all for tolerance, and I am all for giving everyone a chance, but this crap has gone too far! Illegal aliens from Mexico are BOYCOTTING American businesses? OK...if ya don't like it here, go home!!!!!! I mean it, I am PO'd!!
My granddaughter is from an Hispanic family...her "Pops" is 100% Hispanic: Mexican. I do not hate her any more then I hate him. Why? Because he is here as a legal citizen of this country, has worked and paid the same taxes we all do, his whole life!! He has not come here and broken laws by entering our country illegally, but has become an Hispanic American-he also speaks English! And Spanish.
Lawbreakers need to be punished. Period, Or else we have anarchy...and make no mistake. This is once again the hegelian dialectic in operation: "Order out of Chaos." The Illuminati way!!! They are going to allow the people of America to be flooded with illegals and then we will ALL be treated the same way. Either bow to the new god--government and the Elite, or be swept off the planet. And anyone who wants to argue this point, better crawl BACK into that hole you've been hiding in for years!! THIS IS A PLANNED INVASION!! And do NOT look to the government to help you, as it is they who created the problem-chaos, to create their own solution-order. Their way!!
So it isn't the issue at hand again so much as the Elite once again having thier way and we are powerless to stop it. It is too late. WE could have stopped it long ago, but we were sleeping with eyes wide shut!!

Good bye America. You were beautiful once. And proud. I guess pride truly DOES go before a fall.



Blogger Jewels1 said...

Just testing the comment section. I had 2 people-plus myself--who tried to post comments yesterday. We were all unsuccessful.

7:11 AM  

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