
Monday, September 11, 2006


Having just read a blogpost (and e-mailing the Administrator) which claims that those of us who support the 9/11 Truth Movement, and so forth, are members of the "Tinfoil Hat" group, I must ask this question? Why ARE they so afraid? Why does every debate they offer include disparaging remarks toward those who are not afraid to question the status quo? I, personally, only use tin-foil to store and protect my food. I have never worn it on my head...what a ridiculous notion! (Although I truly enjoyed that scene in Scary Movie 3 where "George" peels open the Tinfoil hat on Charlie Sheen's head and discovers-and begins eating-a huge Hershey's Kiss! Yummy!!)

They were debunking the Loose Change videos, among other things. On very trite and immaterial issues. Dylan Avery is a very intelligent young man and uses science to back his claims, not ludicrous, unbelievable theories. Have none of them ever studied physics? You cannot have a 110-story building-purportedly destroyed by jet fuel; then "pancaking", floor on top of floor, to the ground, as the "Official" version claims-fall at free fall speed. Uh uh. No way. Not possible.

Why you may ask?

OK, let's study a bit of physics here:

First, you have Galileo's Laws and Newton's Laws of Gravity. I do not have the exact equation that Dylan cites in his video, but I could access it to prove these points. You see, these laws are immutable. They cannot be changed in this physical realm unless one introduces a new element-e.g. removing the support. But I am getting ahead of myself. OK-the laws of gravity dictate how fast an object will fall to the ground. The laws of inertia dictate the amount of resistance-friction-there is, which slows an object-any object-down. Period. No discussion on that one, unless one were to apply a little WD-40, and reduce friction on an object, but now I digress. Therefore, you have a body in motion-the upper floors falling, versus a body at rest-the lower, stationary floors. Let me refresh the reader as to the laws of inertia: A body at rest will tend to remain at rest. And a body in motion will tend to stay in motion. So this is the scenario: The top floors were brought down by jet fuel melting the 47 steel columns that were placed in the center of the building to provide enough support to withstand a 150 year storm, a direct hit by a 757, etc...OK, you get the idea. (As well as causing the "melting"/buckling of the 236 outer steel columns which cokprised the OUTER structure of the buildings. One Physicist put it in context very well-it would be like poking a pencil through a screen door. It makes a hole, but the whole door does not collapse! J.) And steel/iron melts at temperatures greater than 2800 degrees F. Unless, once again, you alter the structure! Plus steel only begins to structerally weaken at temps of around 600-1200 degrees F. The heat at which the WTC fires burned briefly, at their very peak!) [This also makes for a total of 283 STEEL BEAMS per building!]

If the buildings had pancaked, there would have been a gradual slowing of the fall of said buildings as the laws of inertia met-and opposed. (As well as the inner steel core remaining intact, as the floors were NOT attached to these 47 inner steel beams. J.) Therefore, the Towers would not have fallen at free-fall speed, they would have fallen slower and slower as they went, leaving great big stacks of debris and floors and office equipment and building materials with portions of the building intact and huge chunks of, whatever! The only huge, partially intact chunks were the very bottom outer structure. As there was probably little inertia left by the time the falling building got to the base. (But remember, there WAS no inertia, it was removed)
So, in order to have these buildings fall at the 9.2 second rate at which they fell-which Dylan proves in his video-as per Galileo's equation of free fall speed, the bottom support HAD to be removed! Again, the only way they could have-and did-fall at this speed is if the bottom half was transformed as to eradicate all opposing force-inertia. This could only be done by controlled demolition, blasting out the lower supports. (And more?) And Controlled Demolition Inc is the very company which removed all traces of the debris before they could be accurately studied. And many of the chunks of steel were no more then 2 feet long! Just perfect for fitting on the trucks that hauled the debris quickly away: to be rapidly sold to Chian and India. Right.

And everything else? Mostly pulverised! If the Towers had merely collapsed by jet fuel, they would have toppled over, destroying much of the surrounding buildings, not just those in the WTC conclave, and there would have been BODIES! Not just very small parts and pulverized concrete. Along with mercury, asbestos, lead, benzine and so forth. Do any of you dreamers know that 14 of the dogs used in the search and rescue operation have since died? Or that approximately 50% (or more) of the workers at Ground Zero are now disabled? AND, that our wonderful govt refuses to give them any assistance? And that many have actually died?

I am hereby also postulating-by the evidence-that SCALAR technology was used. Just like it is being used in Iraq, if one were to really study-from an educated standpoint-the reports of Iraqi physicians who find bodies that are mostly vaporized-in Iraq!! And please don't refute me on Russian Nickola Tesla's discovery of the longitudinal SCALAR waves which travel in the vacuum of space. This is also well-documented Science!**(A promising hypothesis derives from the super fine particles found by Dr. Cahill, so small that they would normally occur only if metals were heated to the boiling point, e.g., approximately 2,750° C for steel, that is, steel vaporized and re-condensed as particles. Since such temperatures were not reached, the process would be something that could extract or neutralize the bond energy of metal atoms. Call it an "alien ray gun." It may be a scalar interferometer: tune two electromagnetic scalar waves so their interference zone extracts energy at a wavelength corresponding to the bonding forces in the metal and it begins to fall apart. This hypothesis necessarily involves secret technology, so it is not a proven but possible explanation for the data. We encourage Professor Jones to investigate.
**Quoted from LookingGlassNews...[Sometimes it really sucks to be right most of the time. J.]

Nope, those buildings fell at free fall speed-9.2 seconds-into their own footprints-in demolition lexicon-and they did so because something destroyed the undergirding of those buildings!! That "something" had to be bombs. You fail to mention all the footage that is shown in Dylan's most excellent vide, Loose Change II, showing the numerous Reporters, Firemen and other City Workers speaking on TV repeatedly about those explosions; or the tapes that were made by on-lookers and people in nearby buildings-tapes both video and audio. Or the video's showing the "squibs," which are always apparant in controlled demolition. There is so much more- all based on fact, not fantasy

The Richter Scale rating from a nearby earthquake monitoring station, where they stated that the 1993 bombing of the WTC did not even register because it was "not connected to the ground," yet they register the blasting of TNT from a nearby mine daily--due to explosions! And, they registered both Towers on their equipment before they fell. 2.3 for North Tower, 2.5 for the south Tower. There is also a video form a photog acroos the Hudson who also used a scale to measuer the numerous pre-and after-explosions. And on and on and on; the evidence is there!
Audio tapes-finally released by the government-of firefighters stating they had the blazes under control while in the North Tower! If one wants to truly understand the horror that was-and is-9/11, they need to do some research on their own, insteading of buying the bogus, MSM version of those events! The Science just doesn't add up!! And I have studied a great deal of science. I have also seen numerous instances where someone who originally came forward with the TRUTH, later recanted the view they stated previously. This includes iconoclast-Doug Thompson. As I state in another post. One poster, when commenting on this, stated he probably made the statement that his previous views of the 9/11 disaster were bogus with a gun pointed at his head! I concur. (See update on this. J.)

So... D'ya really think this kid you claim to be so dense and so unskilled and so lacking in knowledge could have faked all this??? Could have created it out of whole cloth, so to speak?
I think not.

Nor could anyone have faked the footage of the Towers and Building 7 falling at free-fall speed. Building 7 fell to the ground in 6 seconds. Straight down-you guessed it-into it's own footprints. With the very top portion of the building falling first! ADN THEN DISINTEGRATING!
Watch a video of this. Any video. In slow motion. It, again is right there! So, if this building was destroyed by fires in the lower sections, they would have collapsed first, before then pulling the rest of the structure down onto itself: also in a messy heap. Not a neat, tidy little pile, as was shown on all News Video.

Yet, no high-rise buildings before that day-or since, ever-have collapsed due to fire. Many of which burned for hours on end. But the Twin Towers burned for approximately one hour each, on the middle floors, and then collapsed.

Get real!

I would also like to add that I feel this is a horrible affront to those who lost loved ones in order for the members of the PNAC to begin to enact their NWO scenario via a "New Pearl Harbor-type event." Just read their website, if you do not believe me.

or this site, which analyzes the original...

It is all right there for those with eyes to see and ears to hear.

I am adding this most excellent link (below) to a site which states the exact same things I am saying here. I just recieved the link from a friend. Only THIS viewpoint specifies some other explosive devise as the cause of the Towers being literally vaporised! That they exploded, NOT imploded. Very interesting points here. And the picture they provide of a nuclear blast is a perfect replica of the image of the Towers as they SCALAR or Nuclear, it was STILL AN INSIDE JOB! (I am coming to believe it was all three! Jwls. 5-6-07)


PS: This is a work in progress, and my knowledge of the events of that horrible day is growing constantly. And, hopefully, will continue to grow. As Hitler stated, not verbatim: 'It is good for the leaders when free men do not think.' (Close enough for my purposes here. Especially when said Leaders are EVIL! J.)


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