My Thoughts: They're At It Again

Friday, January 19, 2007

They're At It Again

Once again, the Government is pushing for Legislation that would limit our free access to the Internet. This article refers to the fact that bloggers are once again being targeted as "Terrorists!" as we are "subversive" and "antisocial." Stirring up un-rest and hatred by our disaffected ranting and misinformation.

The TRUTH is, the Internet has become a powerful tool for truth in advertising, information and government. This is what they truly fear. That we will no longer be a population of dumbed-down and un-educated sheeple, but will learn of the Machiavellian machinations of this evil Regime and take ACTION!

In other words, another Revolutionary War if it becomes necessary!

Throughout history, repressive rulers have tried to keep the masses in the dark. This, in order to maintain their control of them via propaganda and lack of reliable, truthful information made available to the general population.
They are attempting this very thing, once more.

It never worked then/It won't work now.

I guarantee it!



Blogger Borrego said...

I posted a bunch of pics on my page, come check'em out, not just the english blog, but the spanish one as well.

3:56 PM  

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