The Thought Police
I was on the AOL message boards this morning trying to educate the sheep as to just why Richard Cheney is such a despicable 'human being' and why it should not be a crime to wish him dead. (In reference to the fact that he "escaped" the embassy bombing recently.)
No one was advocating personally going out and murdering the VP, they just wanted to see him go! In whatever fashion! Once upon a time, that would have been considered Free Speech. Not anymore.
The Forefathers told us to question our government. And to OVERTHROW any government that is not for WE, THE PEOPLE!
They also placed a clause in the Constitution for us to defend against ALL enemies-both foreign and domestic!
They are not gods. They are men, who have chosen to betray our Country and sell it to the highest bidder-in this case, Halliburton, KBR. They have sold their souls-and our lives-for Oil. Blood for Oil. And the sheep bleat on...
Yes, it makes me sad to admit, some morons came on the board threatening to have all of us dissenters accosted by the Secret Service, the FBI, hell, prolly by Dumbya himself! (In their dreams. He is a C-O-W-A-R-D! And a puppet.)
My posts were repeatedly removed. NOT due to vulgar language (I rarely use it on the boards) not due to harassing any poster, but due to speaking the TRUTH! As usual.
The boards are supposed to be a public forum. A place for our THOUGHTS and opinions. I mean, hell, they tell us to "post thoughts" on every story they print! As long as those thoughts line up with the new Gestapo.
If I ever needed any real proof that our freedoms are a moot point-are essentially null and void-the AOL message boards consistently remind me. Without fail. We are just not given a voice, even if they don't actually come and rendition us!
And still the fools believe.
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